[GET] Query Invoices

[GET] Query Invoices

Allow user to get their invoice with Query params

Table of Contents




Changes by

Description of change


Oct 10, 2024

Tam Tran

  • Added Table of Contents.

  • Added Changelogs.

Order Resource

InvoiceNumber string

Invoice unique number

Quantity decimal


Status object

  • Value: Value of Enum

  • Description: Description of Enum

Client Invoice Status (Unpaid, WaitingForConfirm, Paid, Expired, Cancelled, Refunded, PartialPayment, PartialPaid, PaymentFollowUp, OfflineManual)

Total decimal


IssuedDate DateTime

Isssued Date

DueDate DateTime

Due Date

PaidDate DateTime

Paid Date

CreatedTime DateTime

Invoices created time

UpdatedTime DateTime

Invoices updated time

WhiteLabelName text

White label name (REDEX | Sinamas | Xinyao)

CurrencyCode text

Current Code (USD, ..)

FeeCodeNumber text

Fee Code Number

PayerTaxPercentage decimal

Payer tax percentage

PayerTaxAmount decimal

Payer tax amount

PayeeTaxPercentage decimal

Payee tax percentage

PayeeTaxAmount decimal

Payee tax amount

{ "InvoiceNumber": "INV-REAR-2024-09-23-00019", "Quantity": 3.000000, "Total": 55.95, "IssuedDate": "2024-09-23T00:00:00.0000000Z", "DueDate": "2024-09-25T15:59:59.9999999Z", "PaidDate": null, "Status": { "Value": "Unpaid", "Description": "Unpaid" }, "CreatedTime": "2024-09-23T08:39:11.993", "UpdatedTime": "2024-09-23T08:39:11.993", "WhiteLabelName": "REDEX", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "FeeCodeNumber": null, "PayerTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayerTaxAmount": 0.00, "PayeeTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayeeTaxAmount": 0.00 }

API Definition

GET /public/v2/invoices






Bearer {{access_token}}

Query Parameters

Statuses (optional) array - enum

(Unpaid, WaitingForConfirm, Paid, Expired, Cancelled, Refunded, PartialPayment, PartialPaid, PaymentFollowUp, OfflineManual)

Status (optional) enum

(Unpaid, WaitingForConfirm, Paid, Expired, Cancelled, Refunded, PartialPayment, PartialPaid, PaymentFollowUp, OfflineManual)

TransactionType (optional) enum

(AccountsPayable | AccountsReceivable)

OrderBy (optional) text (InvoiceNumber, IssuedDate, DueDate, PaidDate, Quantity, Total, PayerTaxAmount, PayerTaxPercentage, PayeeTaxAmount, PayeeTaxPercentage, FeeCodeNumber)

Order By (Default will be CreatedTime)

IsDescending (optional) boolean (true/false)

Search (optional) text (InvoiceNumber)

Search on Invoice Number

CurrentPage (optional) integer

The page number to retrieve the next set of inverters. The number has to be greater than 1, and will default to 1.

ItemsPerPage (optional) integer

The maximum number of inverter brands to return per page. This number can range from 10 to 100 and defaults to 100.

curl --location 'https://uat-api.redex.eco/public/v2/invoices?CurrentPage=1&ItemsPerPage=1' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'



Response Body

Data object collection - Order Resource

A collection of objects - Order Resource

Errors list of error objects

Please see "Getting Started - #Error Object" for more details

请查看Getting Started - #Error Object以获得更多信息。

Meta pagination resource

Return Pagination Resource


StatusCode integer

Http Status codes standard. Example 200, 201, 400, 422.

http状态码,如200,201,400, 422

Message text

Response message: Success or error message.


200 Success

{ "Data": [ { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-REAR-2024-09-27-00006", "Quantity": 20.000000, "Total": 40.00, "IssuedDate": "2024-09-27T00:00:00.0000000Z", "DueDate": "2024-10-01T15:59:59.9999999Z", "PaidDate": null, "Status": { "Value": "Unpaid", "Description": "Unpaid" }, "CreatedTime": "2024-09-27T16:30:14.693", "UpdatedTime": "2024-09-27T16:30:14.693", "WhiteLabelName": "REDEX", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "FeeCodeNumber": null, "PayerTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayerTaxAmount": 0.00, "PayeeTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayeeTaxAmount": 0.00 }, { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-REAR-2024-09-26-00002", "Quantity": 6.000000, "Total": 39.50, "IssuedDate": "2024-09-26T00:00:00.0000000Z", "DueDate": "2024-09-30T15:59:59.9999999Z", "PaidDate": null, "Status": { "Value": "Unpaid", "Description": "Unpaid" }, "CreatedTime": "2024-09-26T08:21:00.527", "UpdatedTime": "2024-09-26T08:21:00.527", "WhiteLabelName": "REDEX", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "FeeCodeNumber": null, "PayerTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayerTaxAmount": 0.00, "PayeeTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayeeTaxAmount": 0.00 }, { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-REAR-2024-09-23-00019", "Quantity": 3.000000, "Total": 55.95, "IssuedDate": "2024-09-23T00:00:00.0000000Z", "DueDate": "2024-09-25T15:59:59.9999999Z", "PaidDate": null, "Status": { "Value": "Unpaid", "Description": "Unpaid" }, "CreatedTime": "2024-09-23T08:39:11.993", "UpdatedTime": "2024-09-23T08:39:11.993", "WhiteLabelName": "REDEX", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "FeeCodeNumber": null, "PayerTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayerTaxAmount": 0.00, "PayeeTaxPercentage": 0.0000, "PayeeTaxAmount": 0.00 } ], "Meta": { "CurrentPage": 1, "TotalPage": 1, "TotalItems": 3, "ItemsPerPage": 100 }, "Errors": null, "StatusCode": 200, "Message": "Success" }


400 Bad Request

{ "Data": null "StatusCode": 400, "Errors": null, "Meta": null, "Message": "Bad Request" }


422 Unprocessable Entity

{ "Data": null "StatusCode": 402, "Errors": null, "Meta": null, "Message": "Unprocessable Entity" }


401 Unauthorized

{ "Data": null, "StatusCode": 401, "Errors": null, "Meta": null, "Message": "Unauthorized" }


403 Forbidden

{ "Data": null, "StatusCode": 403, "Errors": null, "Meta": null, "Message": "Forbidden" }

Rate limit

Rate Limit Algorithm: Fixed Window

In fixed window rate limiting, a fixed time window (e.g., one minute, one hour) is used to track the number of requests or actions allowed within that window. Requests exceeding the limit are either rejected or throttled until the window resets.

Rate Limiting Overview

Our API employs rate limiting to ensure fair usage and protect the performance and availability of the service. Combination of Global Policy and Operation Policy

Global Policy

  • Rate Limit: 3000 requests per 5 minute(s)

  • Renewal Period: 300 second(s)

  • Key: IP Address

  • Increment Condition: Any Request

Operation Policy

  • Rate Limit: 10 requests per 10 seconds(s)

  • Renewal Period: 10 second(s)

  • Key: accound-id business account Id.

  • Increment Condition: Any Request.

Rate Limit Details

  1. Rate Limit by Key:

    1. Key: This ensures that rate limits are applied uniquely for each business account id.

    2. Request Limit: Each key is allowed to make up to 10 requests per 10 seconds.

    3. Reset Interval: The limit resets every 10 seconds.

  2. Response Headers:

    1. Retry-After: Sent when the rate limit is exceeded, indicating how long to wait before making another request.

Exceeding the Rate Limit

When the rate limit is exceeded, the API will return a 429 Too Many Requests status code. The response will include a Retry-After header specifying the number of seconds to wait before making a new request.

Example Response When Rate Limit is Exceeded

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests Retry-After: 10 Content-Type: application/json { "Data": null, "Errors": null, "StatusCode": 429, "Message": "Rate limit exceeded", "Meta": null }

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