Grouped Device Integration Guideline


Table Of Contents

English Version

Step 1: Upload ODF file for Devices.

Templates can be found here. ODF Form's templates

Upload the document using this API: [POST] Upload Document for Grouped Devices

Notes: ODF file must be send as pdf file

Step 2: Register and Group Device together

Using this API to register renewable devices and their inverters. Then adding those devices into 1 single grouped device.

Read more about Grouped Device terminology here: Grouped Device Terminology

Link to API document: [POST] Register Grouped Device Application version May 9


  • 1 Grouped device must have max capacity as 5MW.

  • 1 Grouped device must have max inverters as 50 in

  • All of devices in 1 grouped device must be in same Province.

  • All of devices in 1 grouped device must have grid connection date or commission date in the same year.

  • Each inverter must have max capacity as 1MW.

  • Each inverter has RemoteInvId this is unique id from the owner system. Using this id to push generation data.

  • All devices must have Grid Connection Date in the same Year.

Step 3: Pushing generation data to inverter by RemoteInvId

Using APIs to sending generation by RemoteInvId. There are 2 ways to sending generation data:

  1. By single inverter:

  2. By batch (multiple inverters):

Notes: Each API has maximum records of generation data is 3,000 daily records.



第 1 步:为设备上传声明函文件

模板如下:ODF Form's templates

使用此 API 进行上传:[POST] Upload Document for Grouped Devices

注意:声明函必须以 pdf 格式上传

第 2 步:注册分组设备

使用此 API 去注册可再生能源以及它们的逆变器,然后将这些设备放到一个组里。

更多的分组设备术语:Grouped Device Terminology

API 文档链接:[POST] Register Grouped Device Application version May 9


  • 一个分组设备最大容量为 5MW.

  • 一个分组设备最多拥有 50 个逆变器。

  • 一个分组设备里的所有设备必须在同个省份。

  • 一个分组设备里的所有设备的并网日期或调试日期必须在同一年。

  • 每个逆变器最大容量为 1MW.

  • 每个逆变器都有 RemoteInvId,这是来自所有者系统的唯一 id。将使用这个 id 去推送发电量。

  • 一个组里的所有设备的并网连接时间必须是在同一年。

第3步:使用 RemoteInvId 推送逆变器的发电量

根据 RemoteInvId 通过 api 去推送发电量,有 2 种方式去发送:



注意:每个 API 最大允许 3000 个日期的发电量。